Sunday, May 31, 2009

Check out more of my photography at my flickr. And, while you're at it, spread the love... and maybe hire me. I love doing photography.

love peace life - capturing them all.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Old Friends.

Last night was one of those nights where in the midst of it I just knew that life was so good. I was walking down the dtown streets of the Wac (we like to keep it classy) with two friends, while the boys (also some of my best friends) were walking behind us - there to assure our safe delivery at the next POI. Things to be thankful for:

-conversation over woodchuck cider
-sharing secrets on a Tuesday night
-having people who know you
-having amazing friends
-being in college
-acting like we're in college
-humor in what could be awkward situations

love peace life

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thursday, May 7, 2009


My body has gone into complete rebellion... OK, maybe not complete rebellion, but pretty close. I'm exhausted from this semester. In just the past two weeks, I have missed only 3 days of being at the theatre. (Read: we have been BUSY!) I'm also sore. I'm not sure why. I have been up way too late the past few nights and it feels like the habit is forming again. Not ok. I did find out today that Opa's (this great place in Fburg) sells meat in the HEB here. I feel like I knew this already, but was reminded and I'm pretty excited about it.

I'm so thankful for days like today. I got to sit up at my friend's office and hash out theology. Awesome. Now, I'm getting ready for dinner with a couple friend's. Life is good. I'm ready for summer.

4 days...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I had this great epiphany today.

I was sitting behind a sound board, which, if you know me at all, is weird... sort of. Not so much that I was sitting behind a board, but that it was a sound board was the weird part. And, not that I was in the booth, because, I spend a good chunk of time in the 2-ish that we have, but the sound part. I'm not a sound technician. At all. Praise God that all I had to do was make sure the volume was good and that the play button went at the right time. Holla.

So, I'm sitting at this sound board and all the sudden, it hit me. I'd rather be there than anywhere else. Not necessarily behind the sound board (not really my forte), but I would rather be in the booth, in a theatre, watching a stage, moving/hanging/fixing/focusing lighting instruments, praising God for art than be anywhere else.

I had a conversation with a friend of mine, a graduating senior, last night at the last big departmental thing, and we started talking about what we wanted to do with our lives. We both agreed theatre, whatever we were doing had to involve theatre. There's nothing else for me. I love it. I love being in rehearsals all the time. I love painting into the late hours. I love being in the shop for hours. I love taking apart lighting equipment... and putting it back together. I love sitting with friends and inspiring each other, telling each other about projects, loving art together, creating together, getting one step closer to being better at our craft together. I love it.

So, praise God that He has given me not only the passion, but the means to be able to do what I do. That's what it's all about right. "where passion meets need"... and who doesn't need art?