Friday, August 28, 2009

Is it May yet?

I'm really ready to graduate. This week has confirmed this for me. I have:

-had a prof make me cry.
-found the dumbest people in my classes.
-realized that I will have to deal with these people a lot.
-spent $43 on paintbrushes and $70 on Prismacolors. And I'm not done.
-fallen in and out of love with Chekhov. And maybe back in. Damn, Chekhov.
-skipped two classes (one with VERY solid reasoning).
-been bored out of my effing mind.
-had a lame Friday night.
-had NO time to blog, depsite my boredom.
-sat through no less than 5 boring lectures.

Did I mention this is only week 1? Awesome.

Um, May 15th, excuse me, can you get a move on? Please? I don't want to seem impatient or anything, but I'm ready to GO. Thanks.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Hello, senior year. How do YOU do?

Well, I am official. I have filed my graduation card, I know my way around campus - which doesn't matter because all but one of my classes are in the same building-, I feel old, I don't know ANY of the names of the freshmen's names in the department, and, let's be honest, I may or may not EVER know them. I'm sitting at one of my favorite spots in the coffee house I spend too much time at, and I am currently researching Edward Gordon Craig and his work with the Moscow Art Theatre. I've been doing this forever... or at least it feels like that. I'm convinced I've been doing this for forever... and then it hits me: this is it. I have 9 months left of this thing. Then, I'm done. I'll be employed and not worried about the stacks of homework that are sitting in the chair next to me that I am currently politely ignoring. This time next year, I won't walk campus. I won't be going to welcome-back-these-are-the-new-policies meetings. There won't be Common Grounds waiting for me to get out of class and come take a seat and pour over research for hours. There won't be college, just life... and to be honest, as bright-eyed as the new kids are as they walk to their first ever class as a college student filled with fear and anticipation, I think I'm finally ready for it to be over. I've loved my time here and I'm so excited to be blessed by another two semesters here in this place that has been my home, but I'm ready to try new things and be surrounded by new people and new locations. So, today, on this last first day of school, Baylor, you've been good to me, let's have a good time this year. Be kind to the freshman - be gentle with their bright eyes. Be kind to the seniors who have mere months left to call you home before we become the next alum and we will love you back and fling our green and gold afar - to light the ways of time.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Today is one of those awkward days that comes out of nowhere. I realized when I finally got up and left my house this morning that today was in fact move in day. There is really no worse two days at a college than move in day. It means that parents that don't know their way around campus are being guided by new students who have no idea where to go and all that equals mess:

[clueless parents + clueless student who is wound up sort of like a chihuahua on crack because, low and behold they are FINALLY LIVING ALONE (well, that's what they think)] x 1500 = chaos on campus for all who have any idea of the ease with which you are supposed to be able to navigate through the beloved campus we call home.

Part of me always wants to tell them to figure it out. The other part of me wants to help them, guide them, put them where they're supposed to be and let them settle in, tell them it will be ok and, no, college isn't as scary as you think it's going to be and the homework load is totally doable... if you aren't opposed to sleeping and showering at abnormal hours. But that's a different story. So, today, against the wishes of either of these parts, I slept, which was nice. Except that the people who are re-siding my apartment complex are, wait for it, STILL HERE. ALL THE DANG TIME. This causes me stress. I wish they would leave.

I then realized that I only have 5 days (and really only 4 days) left of my last summer in college. Sigh. But, as I realized this, I was driving with an ice cold cherry diet coke, the Kings of Leon on the radio, blue skies up above, and the thought of those last few sweet moments of summer. I think I'll buy strawberries to cling a little longer, although, the summer heat will stick around a little longer than any of us would really like.

I feel like maybe this is a little complain-y, but really it's just been a weird day. The next few days, if I'm lucky, will maybe get less weird, but really, I think life will just get crazier starting today.

love peace life

Monday, August 17, 2009

Mondays are the best day.

I think I hate Mondays most of the time, but today, I was reminded why Monday really is the best day. It's that promise of something new. Last week was long and trying. There were things that I didn't want to happen that happened (without my permission, isn't that so like unwelcome things) and there were other things that were just frustrating. I think Friday or Saturday night I got in my car and drove my favorite drive in Waco at night and when I got home, there was another thing that happened and I finally, through bitter tears, asked desperately, "Why? God, can't I just get a break. Just one good thing? Please?" The rest of the weekend was pretty much the same, sprinkled with some nice surprises here and there, but basically the same thing. This morning was an odd mix of last week and new week. The same things that were worrying me over the weekend worried me this morning when I got up too early, but I went and saw the dadster and then went home, got caught up in a book the way only Faulkner can make me and then Roommate Katie came home. I love Roommate Katie. We decided that we would go to the bookstore and then to grab a quick lunch before we both had places to be. Monday became new as we settled back into an old relationship for one last semester. We drove down one of the main streets at BU and Journey came on the radio. (I'm borderline obsessed) We rocked out and laughed. I love that girl. Then, work came around (which, if you've read any previous post having to do with my job, you know the deep love I have for it... *vomit*... although, the professors are my heart and I love them). I was expecting a normal day, but, to my surprise, I had an email with more reassurance of a possible job in DC when I graduate. I cried. I'm not kidding. Cried. I'm not even in the fall of my senior year and A JOB!??!!!!??? NEW! I love Mondays! Mondays are the promise of future and new. The old week and even the weekend, whether good bad or just ugly, is past. And the new week is here. Rejoice in the new week. Be glad that God has given us new beginnings and new weeks. He has provided and given us all we need. Rejoice and be glad in Him.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Rachel Yamagata, Snoopy and Shredding and how they all affect my life.

1. Rachel Yamagata came on my Pandora earlier... which brings me to my point. I would go absolutely CRAZY if I couldn't listen to music. Especially if I couldn't listen to music at work. So every day I thank Jesus for Pandora radio. And life is good.

2. I have a drawing of Snoopy that I drew on a post it on my computer at work. He makes me smile. Things like this are good. Now, I will say that, after this week, I am a little sad that I won't be working here after Friday. I really do love all the profs. They are so much fun and they make me laugh a lot with all of their quirks and such. I'm going to have to visit.

3. Shredding.
a. Shredding is messy and I have paper in my eye.
b. It takes a long time.
c. At least the person giving the to-be-shredded documents knew it was a pain and we could all laugh about it.
d. Due to this newfound lack of love I have found for shredding, I fail to understand the Enron and Watergate thing. Really, that was a LOT of shredding. C'mon.

I'm super excited today is Friday, more excited tomorrow is Saturday and even MORE excited that I can maybe sleep in tomorrow. Maybe...? Here's to hopin! I'm real ready for the weekend. Off to read and make snarky comments about another paper... at least he thinks they're entertaining. The comments. Not the papers. He likes the comments. :)

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Today, I post my fiftieth post. In honor of this rather small achievement, let's review some other great fifties.

Michelle Pfeiffer, Sharon Stone, and Fran Drescher.

Viggo Mortensen, my dad, and Mark Harmon have all hit fifty.

Hound Dog, Rock around the Clock, and I want to Hold Your Hand were all released in the fifties.

The Beatles. Enough said.

I Love Lucy was made popular in the Fifties.

The Cold War was still going hot in the 1950s.

Great things in the fifties. Much like this blog post :) Hope everyone has a great day. Mine should start looking up pretty soon...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Edge Part 2

I didn't know this was going to be a two-parter... So... woo hoo...? eh. Today, I am at another edge. The edge of losing it. Yesterday, I was bored OUT OF MY MIND for at least most of the day. However, this day, this Wednesday which will forever be known as (in your best announcer voice) WACKY WEDNESDAY, things are CRAZY. We have professors who are coming in for the first time and don't know where to go. We have those same profs needing all kinds of stuff... ie a phone, a computer, a desk, a chair. The essentials for an office. This is not difficult. Expcept, my boss is gone until, wait for it, this is where it gets really good, next Friday. The Friday before classes start. So, the poor student worker (aka me) is here ALONE to deal with all of this. Normally, this would be fine, except, this is where it gets even better, my boss, sweet thing (feel the sarcasm) didn't leave me instructions. For anything. At all. Neat, huh. People are coming in for Phi Alpha Theta cords and I had no idea where those were. People need to get students registered for classes, and I don't have the clearance for that. I barely have clearance to check the mail (OK, I have more clearance than that... but... you get what I'm saying). So, currently I'm a little stressed. I did, however, draw a picture of Snoopy to go on my computer... just to make me a little happier... :) Next Friday is my last day. I've never been so excited no to have a job in my life. Praise Jesus.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Edge

I am bored out of my mind at work... Yesterday, I at least had a few people come in to say "HELLO!" and hang out for a bit... but today, the most interaction I've gotten is one of the profs making fun of me for not being quite lucid at 9am and my boss calling to see what her calendar said about some date two weeks ago. I live on the edge. All this to say, the working world has given me very little to blog about, which is way unfortunate. I mean, there are a couple things, but they're those stories that wait 8-10 months to come out and then they're way funnier anyway. You know the ones, right? Like that time I had a boy over to my parents' house when I was 18 and we made out in the living room. My parents were out of town with my sister and the opportunity just seemed so right. (sorry, ma) I never did anything EVER in high school... I mean, I was 45 minutes late for curfew ONE TIME, but I didn't even live as close to the edge as I live now, and I'm STILL a few neighborhoods away from the edge. I mean, really the closest I got to the edge in my younger days was weed eating the edge of the yard. Seriously. Sad. However, I have moved a little closer. I'm not a coke-head, but I have a good drug-free time - it's a good balance. All this to say, I'm so bored at work. Nothing is going on... I might shred some documents later (in a very non-Enron type way) or check the mail. Really. I need some excitement today. ASAP.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Deep in the Heart of Texas. (Clap clap clap clap)

I love Texas. A lot. The fact that not only can I escape to the beach, but I can escape into the beautiful Hill Country and be on the river makes Texas near and dear to my heart. However, Texas, I got a bone to pick with you: It is so dadgum hot. For real. I was in the Hill Country last week where it was warm, but not unbearable. I came back to the Wac (hello, Central Texas, where you can drive for hours in ANY direction and, guess what, still be in the Great State) this past weekend, and parked my car harmlessly in front of my apartment complex. Where there is no shade (that stuff is a HOT commodity). Apparently, there was a Dr. Pepper (aka God's chosen drink) left in my backseat. And, two days later, it had blown up. I'm not exaggerating at all. It BLEW up. The top of the can came clean off, like a can opener had been taken to it. What the heck. Are you joking. That means it was stinking hot. Now, let me tell you the real reason this bothers me. Well, both reasons. 1) I love scarves. When it's 105 in the shade, the weather is not cooperating with this obsession. It's an issue. All I want to do is wear a scarf. They're fun. They make it look like you put lots of effort into getting dressed. Perfect. I tried to wear one with a tank top earlier this summer and ended up using it to wipe sweat off of me instead of the wonderful fashion statement that it should have been. Sad. 2) In the Hill Country this past Thursday, I was wearing, wait for it... A pair of shorts, a LONG SLEEVE SHIRT, a PULLOVER and a tshirt underneath all that, and guess what! I WAS STILL CHILLY! At like one in the afternoon! Granted, it was raining, but in Waco, if it rains and the temp is already at 100 something, it just adds humidity to the ridiculous heat. gross. So, Texas, here's the deal. Just be like the Hill Country all over the place. My life would be so much happier. Thank you. Another option... Baylor, move to the Hill Country! What are you waiting for??? Let's get it together! :)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


First, this is a picture of camp. I would like to go back, so I think that I will. In October. With my small group fam. We are excited. A random note, since I haven't posted a picture in a while.

Tonight, I realized what the worst part is about having as many roommates as I do. (there's five of us) The living room... and not for the reason you think. I can handle the sharing and the terrible pillow covers (that are finally being replaced... holla!)that I didn't pick out. It's that I'm real in love with this couch... and it's not mine. AND there's this pillow that I love. It's this round feather pillow. I wish it wasn't pink, but my goodness it's comfy. And these couches... well, really, I'm slightly more attached to one than the other... oh goodness... this couch. It's the size of a twin bed. If I sit all the way to the back only my feet and ankles hang off the edge (and I'm not even that short!). Oh, it's wonderful. The problem is the moving in May thing. I want to take both this pillow and the couch with me. I can claim emotional attachment, but I don't know if they'll fall for it. So, until then, I will cherish each lazy moment with my pillow/couch combo. And I will love them until I move... and maybe, just maybe, my roommates will see that the breakup of this wonderful relationship would break my poor heart... Maybe...?

Sunday, August 2, 2009


I'm antsy for the start of something. Or to revisit places.