Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I've been sick, so I haven't really gotten out much... so... No pictures lately... dang. BUT I was asked an interesting question which sparked a blog post. I was asked, "What else do you love?" in response to my "I LOVE LILIES!" reply to an earlier question...

So, I love...

-Jesus. Which sounds like such a cliche, but I speak truth. Not only Him, but my life after He came into it.

-My fam and friends. I lump them together, because sometimes it's hard to tell where one ends and the other begins.

-My roommates. Even though sometimes we get on each other's nerves, I love them.

-Fish. Preferably in an aquarium and not touching me.

-Reading. Reading. Reading. And my parents for instilling this in me as a wee one.

-Painting. Photography. Art.

-Walking. Anywhere and everywhere. I wish it wasn't so dang hot in Tejas.

-Thinking. About what something really means. And art. And philosophy. And love. And theology. I love to think.

-Phone calls with dear friends... especially when the conversation goes sort of like this:

*Intense laughter and a little crying* "Omigosh! Maggie! You are NOT funny!! Tell your new boy that you are NOT funny!" (A few minutes later) "Maggie, in all seriousness, would you consider dating a midget?"

-Flowers. Especially happy flowers.

-Snuggling. Cuddling. Being kissed. Kissing.

-Warm towels right out of the dryer.


-Music boxes.


-Friend's artwork.

-Scarves. It's an obsession, really.


-Clear blue water. My favorite blue t shirt. My panda in the pocket t shirt. Coffee. Studying.

-People who read this. Often. :)


A Good Read said...

and of course.. your CG :)

mht said...

Duh... but you guys are considered fam... obviously.