Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Edge Part 2

I didn't know this was going to be a two-parter... So... woo hoo...? eh. Today, I am at another edge. The edge of losing it. Yesterday, I was bored OUT OF MY MIND for at least most of the day. However, this day, this Wednesday which will forever be known as (in your best announcer voice) WACKY WEDNESDAY, things are CRAZY. We have professors who are coming in for the first time and don't know where to go. We have those same profs needing all kinds of stuff... ie a phone, a computer, a desk, a chair. The essentials for an office. This is not difficult. Expcept, my boss is gone until, wait for it, this is where it gets really good, next Friday. The Friday before classes start. So, the poor student worker (aka me) is here ALONE to deal with all of this. Normally, this would be fine, except, this is where it gets even better, my boss, sweet thing (feel the sarcasm) didn't leave me instructions. For anything. At all. Neat, huh. People are coming in for Phi Alpha Theta cords and I had no idea where those were. People need to get students registered for classes, and I don't have the clearance for that. I barely have clearance to check the mail (OK, I have more clearance than that... but... you get what I'm saying). So, currently I'm a little stressed. I did, however, draw a picture of Snoopy to go on my computer... just to make me a little happier... :) Next Friday is my last day. I've never been so excited no to have a job in my life. Praise Jesus.

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