Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Today is one of those awkward days that comes out of nowhere. I realized when I finally got up and left my house this morning that today was in fact move in day. There is really no worse two days at a college than move in day. It means that parents that don't know their way around campus are being guided by new students who have no idea where to go and all that equals mess:

[clueless parents + clueless student who is wound up sort of like a chihuahua on crack because, low and behold they are FINALLY LIVING ALONE (well, that's what they think)] x 1500 = chaos on campus for all who have any idea of the ease with which you are supposed to be able to navigate through the beloved campus we call home.

Part of me always wants to tell them to figure it out. The other part of me wants to help them, guide them, put them where they're supposed to be and let them settle in, tell them it will be ok and, no, college isn't as scary as you think it's going to be and the homework load is totally doable... if you aren't opposed to sleeping and showering at abnormal hours. But that's a different story. So, today, against the wishes of either of these parts, I slept, which was nice. Except that the people who are re-siding my apartment complex are, wait for it, STILL HERE. ALL THE DANG TIME. This causes me stress. I wish they would leave.

I then realized that I only have 5 days (and really only 4 days) left of my last summer in college. Sigh. But, as I realized this, I was driving with an ice cold cherry diet coke, the Kings of Leon on the radio, blue skies up above, and the thought of those last few sweet moments of summer. I think I'll buy strawberries to cling a little longer, although, the summer heat will stick around a little longer than any of us would really like.

I feel like maybe this is a little complain-y, but really it's just been a weird day. The next few days, if I'm lucky, will maybe get less weird, but really, I think life will just get crazier starting today.

love peace life

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