Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Edge

I am bored out of my mind at work... Yesterday, I at least had a few people come in to say "HELLO!" and hang out for a bit... but today, the most interaction I've gotten is one of the profs making fun of me for not being quite lucid at 9am and my boss calling to see what her calendar said about some date two weeks ago. I live on the edge. All this to say, the working world has given me very little to blog about, which is way unfortunate. I mean, there are a couple things, but they're those stories that wait 8-10 months to come out and then they're way funnier anyway. You know the ones, right? Like that time I had a boy over to my parents' house when I was 18 and we made out in the living room. My parents were out of town with my sister and the opportunity just seemed so right. (sorry, ma) I never did anything EVER in high school... I mean, I was 45 minutes late for curfew ONE TIME, but I didn't even live as close to the edge as I live now, and I'm STILL a few neighborhoods away from the edge. I mean, really the closest I got to the edge in my younger days was weed eating the edge of the yard. Seriously. Sad. However, I have moved a little closer. I'm not a coke-head, but I have a good drug-free time - it's a good balance. All this to say, I'm so bored at work. Nothing is going on... I might shred some documents later (in a very non-Enron type way) or check the mail. Really. I need some excitement today. ASAP.


Alanna said...

Poor little thing! I'll see you in a few days :)

mht said...

Holla. :)