Monday, August 17, 2009

Mondays are the best day.

I think I hate Mondays most of the time, but today, I was reminded why Monday really is the best day. It's that promise of something new. Last week was long and trying. There were things that I didn't want to happen that happened (without my permission, isn't that so like unwelcome things) and there were other things that were just frustrating. I think Friday or Saturday night I got in my car and drove my favorite drive in Waco at night and when I got home, there was another thing that happened and I finally, through bitter tears, asked desperately, "Why? God, can't I just get a break. Just one good thing? Please?" The rest of the weekend was pretty much the same, sprinkled with some nice surprises here and there, but basically the same thing. This morning was an odd mix of last week and new week. The same things that were worrying me over the weekend worried me this morning when I got up too early, but I went and saw the dadster and then went home, got caught up in a book the way only Faulkner can make me and then Roommate Katie came home. I love Roommate Katie. We decided that we would go to the bookstore and then to grab a quick lunch before we both had places to be. Monday became new as we settled back into an old relationship for one last semester. We drove down one of the main streets at BU and Journey came on the radio. (I'm borderline obsessed) We rocked out and laughed. I love that girl. Then, work came around (which, if you've read any previous post having to do with my job, you know the deep love I have for it... *vomit*... although, the professors are my heart and I love them). I was expecting a normal day, but, to my surprise, I had an email with more reassurance of a possible job in DC when I graduate. I cried. I'm not kidding. Cried. I'm not even in the fall of my senior year and A JOB!??!!!!??? NEW! I love Mondays! Mondays are the promise of future and new. The old week and even the weekend, whether good bad or just ugly, is past. And the new week is here. Rejoice in the new week. Be glad that God has given us new beginnings and new weeks. He has provided and given us all we need. Rejoice and be glad in Him.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Keep that positive energy! I hope you have a fantastic week!